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Communication Is Not Rocket Science If You Start With These 5 Essential Steps

So many of my clients want to learn “advanced tricks” to improve their communication skills. But the truth is that in most of our everyday conversations we don’t have to use any “advanced” techniques. In fact, a significant amount of the difficult conversations we bump into is an escalation of an everyday situation where we should have used “basic” communication skills better to prevent the discussion getting out of hand. Let’s see 5 essential, still easy-to-use steps that will instantly enhance your communication skills in any conversations!

First Step Towards Empathy: How To Improve Your Listening Skills

If we want to communicate efficiently, the first thing we need to excel in is not talking, but listening. However strange it seems, listening is as difficult as expressing our thoughts or asserting our interests. Listening skills are not only the prerequisites of all successful conversations but also the first steps towards being empathetic. And as we can learn empathy, we can improve our listening skills too. Here is how you can do it.

Everything Is Allowed That Is Not Forbidden

There’s a rule, a surprisingly simple yet extremely important rule that’s necessary to reach your full potential in life. Memorize this rule, because it will help you in various situations, challenges and difficulties in life. This single rule will make a difference when it’s about success or failure, advancement or stall, ease or hardships. Start applying it today!

How To Stay Focused: 4 Steps To Pacify Distractions

Multitasking is old school. Everybody knows we can’t do it. But from time to time we still catch ourselves doing it, and we struggle with finding how to stay focused. The key is how we can handle our inner distractions. Follow these 4 steps to learn how.

The Life Coach in Your Pocket: How to Get the Most out of Symblify

Symblify is a unique self-coaching app that helps you to deal with your difficult problems on your own. It has an amazing methodology of using symbols beyond words. In this post you can find practical tips on how to get the most out of this game changer life coach app. 10 proven techniques you can try today.

What They Didn’t Tell You About Listening

Most people think about themselves as having good communication skills, even though communicating efficiently is not an easy task. The reason behind this bias in self-assessment is often a false assumption shared with many people that communicating efficiently equals to communicating a lot. But the truth is that communication does not start with talking. It starts with listening.

And the really good communicators are those who can do both at the same time.

Do you find it hard to talk & listen parallelly in an everyday situation? Learn how you can do it by using a strength you already apply in most of your conversations in life!

Get Confident in What You Do With This Inspiring App In Your Pocket

Are you happy with your life? When we think about being happy, we often imagine a life without difficulties. But there is no life without problems. The essence of happiness lies in our feeling of self-confidence that we are capable of handling the difficulties in our lives. Here’s an innovative tool to help you get this confidence today.

How to Turn Your Self-Awareness Into Changes In Your Everyday Life

We spend so much time in autopilot mode we tend to believe that self-awareness is a distant and abstract thing we can only reach by three hours meditation every day or by having a spiritual awakening during a one-year trip in India. But that is simply not true. Self-awareness is available for everyone and can be raised and developed consciously.

By following these 5 practical steps you can not only raise your self-awareness, but you can also turn it into tangible changes in your everyday life.

Take Your Time And Productivity Will Follow

Productivity is important for living a whole life. If we spend more time to complete a task at work or to run a household errand than neccessary, we have less time left to spend with the family, to read a book or to have a walk in the park. But sometimes we do crazy things in the name of productivity, which end up making us less productive, wasting more time and being more stressed. We show you how to prevent these mad habits and what to do instead.

This Monthly Habit Will Help You Live A Life You Want To Experience

Many of us either don’t have any personal plans for the year or have way too strict plans that are programmed to fail. The result is feeling stuck and running around in circles without moving forward. We show you a simple but proven method to make life planning extremely easy and intuitive during the year.

What They Didn’t Tell You About Listening

What They Didn’t Tell You About Listening

Most people think about themselves as having good communication skills, even though communicating efficiently is not an easy task. The reason behind this bias in self-assessment is often a false assumption shared with many people that communicating efficiently equals to communicating a lot. But the truth is that communication does not start with talking. It starts with listening.

And the really good communicators are those who can do both at the same time.

Do you find it hard to talk & listen parallelly in an everyday situation? Learn how you can do it by using a strength you already apply in most of your conversations in life!

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What Do You Have To Do With This As A Leader?

What Do You Have To Do With This As A Leader?

Being a leader is always difficult. It comes with hard decisions, long workdays, conflicts, people problems and stress. And it always comes with responsibility. Whether we like it or not. Learn one simple question that turns you from being a victim into being in charge in any given leadership situation.

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How to Handle
Difficult Situations in Five Steps

Discover your personal style and get practical tips in 5 simple steps.

Are You Flexible Enough? The 5 Types Of Flexilibity

Flexibility is not a one-dimensional personal trait. You can be flexible in 5 different ways, and it’s quite sure you are not excellent in each of these dimensions. Learn the difference between the types of flexibility to know yourself better: are you flexible enough in the everyday situations of your life?

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First Step Towards Empathy: How To Improve Your Listening Skills

If we want to communicate efficiently, the first thing we need to excel in is not talking, but listening. However strange it seems, listening is as difficult as expressing our thoughts or asserting our interests. Listening skills are not only the prerequisites of all successful conversations but also the first steps towards being empathetic. And as we can learn empathy, we can improve our listening skills too. Here is how you can do it.

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What To Do When Leadership Role Modeling Fails?

Leaders are role models for their followers all the time whether they want it or not. They are role models together with their imperfections. It might help to face this challenge if we are convinced that others can learn from our imperfections and we can grow by them too. Let’s see what you can do to make the most of your own imperfections as a leader and how can you encourage your followers to be your partner in that!

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Communication Is Not Rocket Science If You Start With These 5 Essential Steps

So many of my clients want to learn “advanced tricks” to improve their communication skills. But the truth is that in most of our everyday conversations we don’t have to use any “advanced” techniques. In fact, a significant amount of the difficult conversations we bump into is an escalation of an everyday situation where we should have used “basic” communication skills better to prevent the discussion getting out of hand. Let’s see 5 essential, still easy-to-use steps that will instantly enhance your communication skills in any conversations!

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Try These 4 Creative 15-min Exercises to Excel in Leadership

Many leaders don’t have time for complicated development programs, still want to deal with their leadership self-improvement in a regular way. That’s why I gathered these funny and creative short exercises you can do once a week to keep continuous self-improvement an organic part of your life. They only take about 15 minutes from your life a week, so give them a try today!

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Symblify Life Coach App

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