How To Stay Focused: 4 Steps To Pacify Distractions

How To Stay Focused: 4 Steps To Pacify Distractions

Tímea Csízik Coach | OD Consultant | Developer | HR Professional Follow me on Linkedin → Multitasking is old school. Everybody knows we can’t do it. But from time to time we still catch ourselves doing it, and we struggle with finding how to stay focused. What’s wrong...
Why Is Empathy Important And Why Is It So Hard?

Why Is Empathy Important And Why Is It So Hard?

Sándor Sipos Leadership Trainer | Life & Business Coach | OD & HR Developer | Creative Thinker Follow me on Linkedin → In our article about how to be empathetic we showed 4 practical steps that can be used to stay empathetic even in difficult conversations....


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